Nearly ready!

Putting together Version 2.0 of my website has been a bit of an experience. That’s putting it mildly.

However, I am glad to say that everything is coming together quite nicely, and it’s all down to my two hands. Sure, I didn’t design the template and create the code (I’m nowhere near that level), but what I have managed to do is to pick up ideas on how everything worked, and used that to cobble this together.

Not bad for someone with zero real experience coding, right?

If making a website using a static site generator is like putting together a puzzle, all it takes is to figure out how the purpose of any one piece before things start to click. With using the Go-powered Hugo site generator, it was understanding the usefulness of shortcodes that finally got the ball rolling for me.

It’s a work in progress. Apart from worrying about the Pagination function, I still need to figure out how I’m going to display my photography. At least I’m now in a position to actually do so.